Tina Costello, Chief Executive at the Foundation, was nominated to take part in the Queen’s Baton Relay for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, for her dedication to charitable work and being an inspiration across the region.

The Queen’s Baton Relay has returned – an epic journey across the Commonwealth, with The Queen’s Baton visiting all 72 nations and territories. This summer the Queen’s Baton is carried across the country by inspirational Batonbearers, each with incredible stories. Batonbearers have been selected in all nine regions of England, and reflect the diversity in communities across the country.

Tina Costello, CEO at the Foundation, shared:

“It was an incredible honour to be nominated and selected for the Queen’s Baton Relay, I loved every minute of it! I’m so grateful for the nomination which highlighted my passion for the charity sector and inspiring others – to the person who nominated me, you know who you are, thank you so much! It was a once in a lifetime experience that I was able to share with my family, team and the other fabulous Batonbearers.”

Tina took to the streets of Meriden yesterday, skipping with the baton in hand representing the journey to ignite hope, solidarity and collaboration, connecting communities and embracing unique cultures.

For more information on this year’s Baton Relay, click here.