High standards.
The award, which follows a framework closely aligned to Charity Commission recommended standards, reviewed our performance in 11 core areas of activity covering everything from good governance to grant-making.
Having begun the process in March this year, we were thrilled to hear last week that we had passed with a very high score of 51 out of 55. Our report, which was assessed by Ideas to Impact and included a series of interviews, identified exemplary practise in areas including board direction, strategic and business planning, investment & financial management and grant making to name just a few.
Speaking about the recent success Tina Costello, Chief Executive had this to say:
“We’re thrilled to receive this recognition. Our trustees and staff team work extremely hard, and to know that we’re on the right tracks is extremely positive.
“We have some very big plans for the next few years, and our quality standards will underpin all of these ambitions if we are to achieve our goals. I’m really proud of this achievement.”

“We have some very big plans for the next few years, and our quality standards will underpin all of these ambitions if we are to achieve our goals. I’m really proud of this achievement.”

Heart of England Community Foundation
c/o PSA Group, Torrington Avenue,
Tile Hill, Coventry, West Midlands, CV4 9AP
A registered charity inEngland and Wales number: 1117345
A company limited by guarantee in England and Wales number: 5999452