Edgbaston & Northfield NNS Fund for Younger Adults

Neighbourhood Network Schemes are locality and constituency-based networks funded by Birmingham City Council which enable the engagement with and investment in community assets. The purpose of this fund is to support working age adults (18-49) with long term disabilities.
Organisations will need to be working actively within the wards of Edgbaston or Northfield, as defined by the Parliamentary Constituency boundaries.
All grant funded activity needs to focus on:
“Citizens leading healthier, happier, lives with increased financial capability within their own homes and communities”
There are grants of up to £10,000 are available to help local community groups in Edgbaston and Northfield to deliver projects for vulnerable people aged 18 – 49 with long term disabilities.
The aim of the fund is to:
- Help to make existing places and activities more accessible to disabled adults
- Invest in new community activities which disabled adults can access
- Invest in the development of the skills, knowledge and support available to community-based networks, groups and organisations
Projects must contribute to one of the following outcomes:
- Increased social participation
- Healthier lifestyles
- Maximised income
- Housing which supports independence
- Carers feel more supported (as people and as carers)
Priorities in Edgbaston
Younger Adults with Additional Needs
- Activities to support those with Autism and Learning Disabilities
- Employment opportunities for those with additional needs
- Activities that aid and improve physical mobility and wellbeing
- Digital Literacy
- Activities that are intergenerational
- Information Advice & Guidance
- Activities for BAME/LGBTQ and refugee communities
Priorities in Northfield
Younger Adults with Additional Needs
- Mental health and befriending
- Easy Read
- Pathways to adulthood (transition)
- Activities and projects in Frankley Great Park and Hawkesley
Please read the Fund Factsheet for Northfield and for Edgbaston before applying.