Towards a fairer, happier and healthier Midlands.

We are the Community Foundation for the West Midlands and Warwickshire. As the leading, independent grant making foundation in the region we have proudly awarded over £35 million to over 7,000 great causes since 1995.

Latest News & Insights.

£100,000 grant boosts Wolverhampton’s reuse hub
£100,000 grant boosts Wolverhampton’s reuse hub

Community organisations across the West Midlands are beginning to receive vital funding to boost climate action, innovation and environmental sustainability. To drive forward the climate agenda and support local change, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)...

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£1m Mary Court opens to tackle homelessness in Northfield
£1m Mary Court opens to tackle homelessness in Northfield

A ground-breaking initiative which will provide move-on accommodation for those who have experienced homelessness has been launched in Birmingham. YMCA Heart of England has officially opened Mary Court in Northfield - a transitional housing block consisting of 27...

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Embracing New Beginnings: A CEO’s Welcome to 2024
Embracing New Beginnings: A CEO’s Welcome to 2024

As we begin 2024, I’m hopeful for another successful year in supporting our regional voluntary and community sector. We had much to celebrate last year, not least securing our largest ever programme - the £9 million Inclusive Communities Fund. So, as we welcome 2024,...

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Festive Period: Office Opening Times
Festive Period: Office Opening Times

The Community Foundation will be closed over the holiday period for Christmas and New Year to allow our team time to rest and enjoy the festive period with friends and family. Our office will be formally closed after the 21st...

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Looking for grants and funding for your initiative, project or organisation?

Discover our latest available grants and funding programmes. We manage a range of funds on behalf of our donors across the region with grants ranging from small amounts to some larger grants.

Transform health and care in your community in Birmingham!

Your organisation could be eligible to receive a grant from the Fairer Futures Citywide Small Grants Fund. Apply for up to £45,000 over three years to address health inequalities for communities of identity across Birmingham.

Supercharge your giving through the Community Foundation.

We’re honoured to partner with a diverse range of donors, including private individuals and prominent regional and national companies. Each donor’s journey is unique, and we’re committed to making that journey as seamless and meaningful as possible.